Saturday, March 16, 2013

isn't because of cockroach??

Assalamualaikum ..

this is a nice story, lot of lesson..apply in our life,,always happen around us..

At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on
a lady. She started screaming out of fear. With a panic stricken
face and trembling voice, she started jumping, with both her hands
desperately trying to get rid of the cockroach.

Her reaction was contagious, as everyone in her group also got

The lady finally managed to push the cockroach away but landed
on another lady in the group.

Now, it was the turn of the other lady in the group to continue the

The waiter rushed forward to their rescue.
In the relay of throwing, the cockroach next fell upon the waiter.

The waiter stood firm, composed himself and observed the behavior of
the cockroach on his shirt.
When he was confident enough, he grabbed it with his fingers and
threw it out of the restaurant.

Sipping my coffee and watching the amusement, the antenna of my mind
picked up a few thoughts and started wondering, was the cockroach
responsible for their histrionic behavior?
If so, then why was the waiter not disturbed?
He handled it near to perfection, without any chaos.

It is not the cockroach, but the inability of the ladies to handle
the disturbance caused by the cockroach that disturbed the ladies.

I realized that, it is not the shouting of my father or my boss or
my wife that disturbs me, but it's my inability to handle the
disturbances caused by their shouting that disturbs me.

It's not the traffic jams on the road that disturbs me, but my
inability to handle the disturbance caused by the traffic jam that
disturbs me.

More than the problem, it's my reaction to the problem that creates
chaos in my life.

Lessons learn from the story:
I understood, I should not react in life.
I should always respond.
The women reacted, whereas the waiter responded.

Reactions are always instinctive whereas responses are always well
thought of, just and right to save a situation from going out of
hands, to avoid cracks in relationship, to avoid taking decisions in
anger, anxiety, stress or hurry.

Have a nice day.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

money ??job ??

Assalamualaikum ..
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Mendengar lagi Maha Melihat..

alhamdulillah,setakat aku dah harung hampir 7 interview dengan pelbagai syarikat,pelbagai aku xterlalu memaksa untuk stay di terengganu,tapi hint tu tetap ada..hampir 2 bulan setengah aku jobless,maybe bagi orang lain,itu satu tempoh yang pendek,,tapi bila tgk family ak ada masalah kewangan+adik2 perlukan duit untuk belajar..i need to find job..i need money..

dan alhamdulillah sekali lagi,biasanya setiap kali aku hantar resume,memang aku akan dipanggil interview.Allah itu Maha Mendengar..dan sepanjang 7 kali interview,2 offer ak tolak..'cerdik',kan??huahua..bukan aku suka2 nak tolak,tapi lepas bincang dgn parents aku..

discuss on every aspect,parents ak kata better decline..maybe ak ada rezeki lain kot..setiap orang mempunyai rezeki berbeza,life berbeza..dan ak xsuka membandingkan dan dibangdingkan llife orang lain..kalau untuk amik pengajaran xpe,kalau sebab nak compare mana hebat,,mana mahal gaji..xsuka sngt!

semalam 130313,aku dapat interview di baskin robbin,midvalley city,kuala lumpur..aku apply supervisor jew,tapi dapat offer assistant manager,alhamdulillah..gaji untuk permulaan rm1000++ je..kira ok lar nak mula nak career ni,kan..dekat KL tu,,kalau setakat gi jalan2 amik angin,biasa sngt nak dad always told me,KL is something place full of challenges..wat kind of challenges?i dont know..aku nak grab experiences,relate dgn dunia study aku..even ak blajar hrm,tp yng ini ada relation jugak..

i always remind myself,,pliz do not being gready..orang tamak selalu rugi..

aku harap ini keputusan yang betul,,aku pun tengah pening sekarang..mula2,parents akan rasa lain la kot bila aku xda nanti..sebelum ni,ak banyak bantu mereka dari segi kerja rumah,,amik adik kat sekolah,,pergi pasar...aku harap Allah akan mempermudahkan urusan mereka.amat berharap..aammiinn..

p/s::ak masih keliru untuk terima ke tak tawaran nim..semoga parents aku xmembantah..moga Allah mempermudahkan urusan ini..lancarkan perjalanan ini..aammiin